Virtual slides #
Carousel automatically populates slides from the elements it finds in the container. Use slides
option to add new slides to the carousel or to create a carousel consisting of only virtual slides.
This feature allows you to load a large number of slides. The carousel renders only the visible slides without unnecessary DOM elements.
Examples #
Basic example #
const container = document.getElementById("myCarousel");
const options = {
slides: ["1", "2", "3"],
new Carousel(container, options);
Infinite slides #
Here's an example of a carousel with an infinite number of slides and multiple slides per page. Additional slides are created depending on the position of the last page.
const options = {
// Disable "Dots" plugin
Dots: false,
// Disable navigation before the first slide
infinite: false,
// Initially visible slides
slides: ["1", "2", "3", "4"],
// Create only visible slides
preload: 0,
on: {
"Panzoom.beforeTransform": (instance) => {
const viewportDim = instance.viewportDim;
const currentPos = instance.panzoom.current.e;
const lastPage = instance.pages[instance.pages.length - 1];
// Pre-fill enough slides for the navigation
if (currentPos < (lastPage.pos - viewportDim * 2) * -1) {
const slideCount = instance.slides.length;
`${slideCount + 1}`,
`${slideCount + 2}`,
`${slideCount + 3}`,